Protect our Waterways

We can all help to protect our waterways. Here are 7 tips to protect our waterways from our own backyard!


  1.  Keep your driveway, gutters and paths clear of rubbish.

clean gutters

       2. Wash your car at a carwash or on grass rather than on your driveway to keep chemicals out of stormwater drains.

protect waterways

     3. Research and choose environmentally friendly pesticides and fertilisers.

protect waterways

    4. Rake up leaves and grass clippings, and compost them in your garden.

protect waterways

   5. Plant native grass or other native plants on ay bare spots in your yard.

protect waterways

   6. Pick up your pet’s droppings and dispose of them in a bin.

protect waterways

  7. Direct your downpipes away from paved surfaces into ground that can absorb water, or consider building a rain garden.

protect waterways